All photography provided by LavaSounds

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Daniel Lavastida Brown, is a recording, mixing, and mastering engineer, artist, motivational coach, and a passionate sailor who has been developing an international network of industry professionals in order to help clients reach thiere goals. 

In 2018 Daniel launched LavaSounds in order to make a way for singer/songwriters & producers to achieve professional production that is financially within their reach.


The Mission

LavaSounds is a fully capable mobile recording & music production platform with the goal of making professional production available to the singer-songwriter for a price that fits the project. Let your music be discovered. 

Using an extensive network of professionals including: performers, songwriters, professional producers, recording, mixing, and mastering engineers, our mission is to help motivate and guide you forward from whatever level you are on.

LavaSounds works with artists in the areas of: Recording, mixing, mastering, production coaching, music performance, creative collaboration. We give free consultations to prospective clients

No one person or material thing could ever come close to the feeling I get when the music is right.
— Barry Manilow -Singer/Songwriter & Producer

How we can help you?

  • Looking for a beat maker to design a custom beat for your project
  • Motivation for moving forward with your music
  • Someone who you can work with remotely 
  • Something not mentioned in this list? Contact us.
  • Audio recording
  • Audio Mixing
  • Audio Mastering
  • Collaboration on songs or production
  • Studio musicians, singers, or lyrisists